Saturday, August 27, 2011


I read a lot. Most of my reading comes from the contributors on They all are saying about the same thing, with varying degrees of urgency; The global financial crisis of debt is about to overwhelm the world that we know and our off-world brothers and sisters are waiting on the sideline to step in with what they call "prosperity funds."

It is expressed repeatedly that huge amounts of precious metals have been accumulated to back what will be a new currency. The dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency. As ALL sovereign currencies disolve into worthless pieces of paper and ink so will debts denominated by these currencies disolve. Your debt and mine, will be no longer. The banks that held such debts will no longer put people or countries into bankruptcy. Credit card debt will dissappear.

All this is the start of a new world order based on love, compassion, and fairness. Everyone will find themselves on the same level financially, no more rich vs poor or the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. What a day that will be! Free at last! 

I get impatient waiting for the first signs to appear but as I read the news daily I can see the crumbling of the world's economy. The debt crises in Europe and America will continue as the dollar slides. It all takes time and the dark cabal is doing everything to prop up these worthless fiat currencies. They will fail and fail soon.

Keep the faith! Look to the skies! It will all happen in due time!