Sunday, September 25, 2011

What To Write

I am a quiet person. I read a lot, as I have stated in earlier posts, and I listen a lot. I used to follow politics and the latest world news avidly, but now I am very selective as to what I spend my time reading. I have even taken most news sites off my favorites list.

What I now look for are signs of the culmination of the battle we are in for control of governments and finance. I scan the headlines, and am not dissappointed in finding material that speaks of the end time we are in, or, approaching. Financial matters in the Eurozone and the US as well as Japan and China could not be much worse. Bancruptcy is imminent for many European countries, starting with Greece. Then the dominoes will begin to fall taking down the governments in Europe as well as the US.

As the dust settles on all this there will be a new paradigm set forth. It is waiting in the wings, even as we speak. It's called NESARA, and it involves a massive change in currencies around the globe, from fiat paper backed monies to a currency that is backed by gold. The bullion is in place already, just waiting for the proper time to come. And very soon it will come, as things get worse and worse from a financial aspect.

The thing we must keep in mind is; we must not give in to fear. We have only the best ahead of us, but we must weather the storm that's coming first. Keep the Faith! Stay in LOVE---it will all work out to our advantage and our joy and happiness!   

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I read a lot. Most of my reading comes from the contributors on They all are saying about the same thing, with varying degrees of urgency; The global financial crisis of debt is about to overwhelm the world that we know and our off-world brothers and sisters are waiting on the sideline to step in with what they call "prosperity funds."

It is expressed repeatedly that huge amounts of precious metals have been accumulated to back what will be a new currency. The dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency. As ALL sovereign currencies disolve into worthless pieces of paper and ink so will debts denominated by these currencies disolve. Your debt and mine, will be no longer. The banks that held such debts will no longer put people or countries into bankruptcy. Credit card debt will dissappear.

All this is the start of a new world order based on love, compassion, and fairness. Everyone will find themselves on the same level financially, no more rich vs poor or the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. What a day that will be! Free at last! 

I get impatient waiting for the first signs to appear but as I read the news daily I can see the crumbling of the world's economy. The debt crises in Europe and America will continue as the dollar slides. It all takes time and the dark cabal is doing everything to prop up these worthless fiat currencies. They will fail and fail soon.

Keep the faith! Look to the skies! It will all happen in due time!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


A couple of days ago Steve Beckow had on his website an entry promoting "World Disclosure Day." The idea was that we readers would respond that whole day by sending out thoughts about disclosure. For those of you who have not read much about this let me explain what disclosure is all about.

Lightworkers of the world follow the channeled discourses of several sources of information. Most relieable ones can be found on We are waiting with baited breath for one of our worldly governments to disclose the information that our space Brothers and Sisters are waiting in the wings for the opportunity to appear and get the ball rolling towards Earth's Golden Age.

According to these sources all legitimate governments of the world have been aware of the presence of these benevolent space beings for years but because of political and financial pressures put upon them they have not yet publically admitted their knowledge. The governments are influenced by the dark cabal that is in the last throes of their powerful hold on these officials. Time is running out on the dark ones and at a time known only to Creator God the plug will be pulled on them and they will either experience a change to the Light or be displaced to a place of darkness populated entirely by those of their kind.

The aforementioned government officials are feeling great pressure to make the announcement of disclosure and it is anybody's guess which one will step forward and make the first dominoe fall. When that happens things will really begin to change in our world as the news will be carried around the globe. After that our space brothers and Sisters can make First Contact with their spaceships making more appearances and landing on our soil.

It is the hope and prayer of this author that with all the silent pressure of conscious beings put upon them that one of these officials in one of the governments will feel the need to make the truth known.

This world is in grave condition both financially and spiritually. We desperatly need the help of our space Brothers and Sisters to show us the way forward to new forms of government, finances and living in brotherly Love.

Let's keep the pressure on!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Catching Up

I have missed posting for some time now as I have had surgery for a torn rotator-cuff in my right shoulder. Even now I struggle to type but it's getting better every day.

Since my last post many things have happened that were forecasted by our space-brothers an sisters. Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, flooding and much happening in the middle-east now called Arab Spring. All these things must come to pass for Earth (Gaia) to move into higher vibrations and we along with her, leading to eventual ascension. A recent comunnication from one of the celestial contributors stated that 11-11-11 is a key date to watch for. Also stated is that disclosure of the space-ships and our space brothers and sisters will happen soon, probably before the end of June. I can hardly wait. That will signal the start of many, many changes that will take place on the planet, especially having to do with finance and governance.

I hope you have been keeping up by following the previously posted web-sites that I follow every day. Let me add one more: Here you will find a compilation of many contributors that are screened by Beckow and have my endorsement also.

Sorry for the short post but I'm running out of steam for this time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Things are happening

Wow, they were right when they said things would start to happen in 2011.
The Middle-East is on fire with the common people marching against the tyrants.
This is only the beginning--watch Saudi Arabia and Iran. Nothing can stop this runaway train. This is the power of the change in consiousness we've been hearing from our sources. With so many off-world brothers and sisters focusing their light and love on this planet things had to MOVE.
Are they moving in your life yet. Yield yourself to the light and you will feel it within. Live in the NOW and "take no thought of the morrow," as Jesus said. Our present worries and woes are nothing when compared to the joys and happiness ahead.
Gaia (Earth) is beginning Her sloughing off of negative energies. The largest earthquake in 1200 years has struck Japan with accompaning tsunami wiping out everything in its path. There will be much loss of life, this cannot be helped when natural events happen. Keep in mind that every life lost was planned by contract before that soul entered this incarnation. They decided to die at this time--in this way.
I have been reading a lot, as usual. A couple of reading recommendations:
Go to and download his manuscripts--they might just save your life.
To keep up on the latest news from off-world go to  and; I just purchased Mark Kimmels eBook "Transformation," it is very informative and essential reading if you plan to be a Caretaker when Gaia has completed Her move into higher dimensions.
I only watch the mainstream news reports to gage how progress is moving with regard to the changes we will see leading up to Dec. 21, 2012.
I plan to get any money into hard currency since it's plain the dollar is being devalued and will eventualy loose it's value before that date.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be Aware

I read a lot. Especially now since I got a Kindle reader just before Christmas. Most of what I read has to do with the coming changes to the earth leading up to Dec. 21, 2012. I continually search for the latest information and if I "feel" it's worthwile I download it to my Kindle and read it, sometimes more than once.

Such is the case with a recent experience I wish to share with you: A friend of mine and I share info on an almost daily basis and one day recently she came up with a name she ran across on the net and asked me about it. It was Jelaila, thats all she could remember. I started to research the name and finally come across a web-site by Jelaila Starr who channels for a group called the Nibiruan Council. When I read the name I immediately became a little suspicious because of the stack of books I have in my bookcase written by Zecharia Sitchen, (now deceased) who wrote extensively about the planet Nebiru and the Annunaki visitors to Earth from that planet. I decided to research further.

One of the books I had downloaded to my Kindle was by Patricia Cori who channels for Sirians of the Galactic Federation. In that book they have much to say about the Nebiruans on that planet that is nearing Earth at this time. It seems that the Nebiruans intend to move close enough to Earth that the planet will be drawn into the higher dimension with Earth on that date in 2012. I e-mailed Patricia Cori about this and she immediately replied that we should be very discerning, especially in these last days and sort out the ones that don't "feel" right. The message is, follow your heart--be aware.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011-A year of Revelation

As the new year unfolds, here in the first days of January, 2011, I am filled with anticipation. Our various channeled sources have repeatedly told us of impending activities that will ensue during the coming year. I search the news constantly for signs of the promised changes and so far I have not been disappointed:

More pressure on WikiLeaks, now to  to release Twitter files,
4.1 mag earthquake in So. California,
Assassination at political event, Congresswoman in critical condition, Fed. Judge and others killed,
Bird, fish, crab kills still a great mystery--Haarp? Or other devise being tested by the military?
Triangular UFO sighted-Derry, New Hampshire,
UFO leaves burn marks on ground in Florida

All the above are mere harbingers of what will come in the following year. More political, financial and social changes will occur than have happened in the last one hundred years.

The History Chanel on TV has been running a series I find quite fascinating: "Ancient Aliens." It completely dovetails with my research over the years of Sitchen and Von Daniken books, among others. It comes at a time when the world needs to be made aware of our true history and the fact that we have been visited by space-travelers for eons of time. Not only that but we shall be again--in the very near future. One of our sources states that a momentous disclosure will take place sometime in the first quarter of the year. I wait with great anticipation!