Sunday, July 10, 2011


A couple of days ago Steve Beckow had on his website an entry promoting "World Disclosure Day." The idea was that we readers would respond that whole day by sending out thoughts about disclosure. For those of you who have not read much about this let me explain what disclosure is all about.

Lightworkers of the world follow the channeled discourses of several sources of information. Most relieable ones can be found on We are waiting with baited breath for one of our worldly governments to disclose the information that our space Brothers and Sisters are waiting in the wings for the opportunity to appear and get the ball rolling towards Earth's Golden Age.

According to these sources all legitimate governments of the world have been aware of the presence of these benevolent space beings for years but because of political and financial pressures put upon them they have not yet publically admitted their knowledge. The governments are influenced by the dark cabal that is in the last throes of their powerful hold on these officials. Time is running out on the dark ones and at a time known only to Creator God the plug will be pulled on them and they will either experience a change to the Light or be displaced to a place of darkness populated entirely by those of their kind.

The aforementioned government officials are feeling great pressure to make the announcement of disclosure and it is anybody's guess which one will step forward and make the first dominoe fall. When that happens things will really begin to change in our world as the news will be carried around the globe. After that our space brothers and Sisters can make First Contact with their spaceships making more appearances and landing on our soil.

It is the hope and prayer of this author that with all the silent pressure of conscious beings put upon them that one of these officials in one of the governments will feel the need to make the truth known.

This world is in grave condition both financially and spiritually. We desperatly need the help of our space Brothers and Sisters to show us the way forward to new forms of government, finances and living in brotherly Love.

Let's keep the pressure on!

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